5 Easy steps on how to reverse eWallet in Botswana and South Africa

Are you in an emergency and need to reverse eWallet quickly? Follow this guide now. The First National Bank (FNB) eWallet is a digital system that allows FNB customers in Botswana and South Africa to send and receive funds through their cellphones. The eWallet allows FNB customers to send money to anyone with an active cell number, instantly transferring the funds. Recipients can use the money in the eWallet to buy airtime, send money to other cellphones, and more. The eWallet is available in Botswana and South Africa and can be accessed through various methods, including Cellphone Banking, FNB Online Banking, the FNB App, or at an FNB ATM.


An eWallet is an electronic system that allows users to store, send, and receive funds digitally. It is a convenient way to make financial transactions without the need for cash or a physical debit/credit card.

However, there may be situations where a user wants to reverse an eWallet transaction. This could be because the user accidentally sent funds to the wrong recipient, the transaction was fraudulent, or there was some other issue with the transaction.

In this blog post, we will discuss the steps that can be taken to try and reverse an eWallet transaction, as well as the limitations and potential challenges of doing so.

Quickly Reverse eWallet

*130*321# > PIN > 3 > 2 > 1 > 1 > Reason > Confirm

Understanding the limitations of reversing an eWallet transaction

It’s important to understand that eWallet transactions are generally irreversible. Once the funds have been sent and received, it can be difficult to retrieve them.

Additionally, whether or not a reversal is possible will depend on the specific circumstances of the transaction. For example, if the recipient of the funds has already spent them or withdrawn them, it may not be possible to reverse the transaction.

It’s also worth noting that each eWallet provider has its own policies and procedures for reversing transactions. Some may be more willing to reverse a transaction than others, depending on the situation.

But there is a way to reverse eWallet transfers – for a cost – as long as it is done within 72 hours of the original transfer, and if the money has not yet been withdrawn. Read on.

Try this step before you reverse an eWallet transaction

If you want to try and reverse an eWallet transaction, there are a few steps you can take:

First, try contacting the recipient and politely requesting that they return the funds. If the transaction was a mistake or the recipient is willing to cooperate, they may be able to transfer the funds back to you.

If the recipient is unable or unwilling to return the funds, your next step should be to contact the eWallet provider. Explain the situation and request that they reverse the transaction. Be sure to provide any relevant information, such as transaction details and receipts, to support your request.

Steps to take to reverse eWallet in Botswana

If you are in Botswana follow these steps to reverse eWallet and send money back to your account

  1. First go to your phone dialer and press *130*321#
  2. Enter your 5-digit Pin
  3. Got to option 3, Send Money
  4. Then go to option 2, eWallet Reversal
  5. Then press option 1, Continue
  6. It will show the most recent transaction, press option 1, Reverse
  7. Select Reason to Reverse Wallet
  8. Confirm with your 5 digit Pin

You can also call the FNB Botswana Helpdesk line on +267 364 2670 and they can help you reverse eWallet quickly for you.

Credit: Skymartbw.com

Steps to take to reverse eWallet in South Africa

Follow these steps to reverse eWallet and send money back to your account:

  1. On your phone dial pad, press *120*321#
  2. A new page will appear on your screen. Select option 4, dubbed “Send Money”
  3. A new set of instructions will appear on your screen. Choose option 5, called “eWallet Reversal”
  4. A list of transactions will appear on your screen. Choose the specific transaction your need to reverse
  5. Confirm reverseal with Pin.

You can also contact the FNB Contact Center during opening hours to stop your already complete transaction. To contact the FNB call centre:

  • 0875750362 – for questions on how to reverse eWallet transaction on FNB app 
  • 0875750362 – for questions on FNB eWallet online reversals
  • 0875759405 – for questions on FNB eWallet reversal on cellphone banking transactions

If none of these options is appealing enough, you can choose a third option to get your issue resolved. This is contacting the FNB complaints resolution desk through:

If you send an email to the complaints resolution desk, you need to explain your issue exhaustively and provide all the relevant details for your issue to be resolved quickly. However, you are more likely to get attended to quickly when you call the complaints resolution desk.

Alternative solutions if reversing the eWallet transaction is not possible

If it’s not possible to reverse the eWallet transaction, there are a few other options you can consider:

If the eWallet was funded with a bank account or credit card, you may be able to dispute the transaction with your bank or credit card company. They may be able to recover the funds for you if the transaction was fraudulent or unauthorized.

If the transaction was fraudulent or unauthorized, you may also want to consider seeking legal action. This could involve filing a report with the police or hiring a lawyer to help you recover the funds.

Reasons why you may need to reverse eWallet

  1. Fraud
  2. Technical Related Issues
  3. Sent to Wrong Number
  4. Blocked eWallet
  5. Or other reasons

What you can do after successfully reversing eWallet

After you reverse eWallet, you can use eWallet for various things such as paying for your DSTV, buying Airtime, Sending money to a loved one. You can also use eWallet to buy goods online on Botswana’s Number 1 online marketplace, Skymartbw.com.


In summary, reversing an eWallet transaction can be challenging and may not always be possible. It’s important to understand the limitations and potential challenges of doing so.

If you want to try and reverse an eWallet transaction, your best bet is to contact the recipient and the eWallet provider and request a reversal. If that doesn’t work, you can consider alternative solutions such as disputing the transaction with your bank or credit card company or seeking legal action.

To prevent future issues with eWallet transactions, be sure to keep track of transaction details and be cautious when sending funds to unfamiliar recipients. By following these tips, you can help protect yourself and your finances.

1 thought on “5 Easy steps on how to reverse eWallet in Botswana and South Africa”

  1. Great post! I found your tips on reversing eWallet transactions very helpful, especially the step-by-step approach. It’s definitely useful for anyone who might face issues with their transactions. Keep up the good work!

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