If you’re living above your means, it can be easy to justify spending more money. But if you aren’t careful and keep on doing what you do, it could mean financial ruin. Here are some signs that might indicate that your finances are out of control:
- Introduction
- You don’t even know how much you owe.
- You are always running out of money by the end of the month.
- You can’t cover your bills and don’t have an emergency fund.
- Your debt is growing significantly every month.
- You are spending too much on entertainment and/or eating out.
- If you're overspending, it's time to take a look at where your money is going and make some changes.
- Conclusion
You don’t even know how much you owe.
You don’t know how much you owe.
This is a sign that you are living above your means and that it is time to pay attention to how much money you actually have available in the bank account. If it has been a long time since you checked your credit score, then it may be time for a look at what kind of numbers are on file with all three major bureaus: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.
You are always running out of money by the end of the month.
If you find yourself always running out of money by the end of the month, it’s time to get your finances in order. You should have a budget and stick to it. Make sure that you know how much income you bring in every month and also how much money is going out in expenses (e.g., rent or mortgage payments).
If this sounds like something that would help:
- Have a good idea of what your expenses are and how much they cost each month
- Know how much money is left over at the end of each pay period

You can’t cover your bills and don’t have an emergency fund.
You can’t cover your bills and don’t have an emergency fund.
There’s no need to panic, but you do need to take some steps toward getting back on track with this one! Since it’s so easy for us to get swept up in our daily lives and forget about where we’re spending money, we tend to spend more than we should when things are going well. If you find yourself living above your means—even if only temporarily—it might be time for a reality check.
The good news is that there are ways for everyone (not just those who live paycheck-to-paycheck) who wants better financial management practices without breaking the bank: setting aside six months’ worth of expenses in an emergency fund; paying off credit card debt as quickly as possible; using cash instead of plastic whenever possible; not being afraid of using credit cards responsibly if they’re necessary tools when paying off loans or other debts over time (like mortgages).
Your debt is growing significantly every month.
Your debt is growing significantly every month.
This one is pretty easy to spot, and it’s a sign that you’re living above your means. If you’re borrowing money to pay off other debts, then you may be falling into the trap of spending more than what you make and not having enough left over for basic needs like food and shelter. If this happens regularly, then it’s time for some serious soul searching about why your lifestyle has become unsustainable—and how to change it!
You are spending too much on entertainment and/or eating out.
If you’re spending more than you can afford on entertainment, or eating out, it might be time to cut back. You don’t have to give up the things you enjoy—just make sure that what you do spend your money on is important and meaningful. This is one of the signs that you are living above your means.
- Make your own entertainment: There are plenty of ways to entertain yourself without buying stuff. You could watch a movie at home or in a theater; listen to music on YouTube (or Spotify); play video games with friends; go hiking; read a book; learn about something new like history or foreign languages—the possibilities are endless!
- Find inexpensive entertainment: If movies aren’t cutting it for you anymore, try watching videos from other channels online instead. Or try searching under “live streams” on Twitch or Mixer if they’re available in your area! You’ll find some cool tutorials there too if those aren’t enough either 🙂
If you’re overspending, it’s time to take a look at where your money is going and make some changes.
The first step to getting back on track is knowing where your money is going. If you’re overspending and not saving, it’s time to take a look at where your money is going and make some changes.
First, create a budget that helps you see how much cash is coming in each month versus going out. You may find that if things were easier for you, like if there were more hours in the day (or less), then getting paid more would help keep up with expenses better than what they currently are.
Next: stick by your budget! As soon as something goes over budget – stop spending immediately! Otherwise you are living above your means.
That means no groceries until next payday when all bills have been paid off first before buying anything else food related items like bread crackers etc…etc…etc…
After reading this article, you should have a better idea of how to avoid living a cash-poor life. It’s time to take control of your finances and stop living above your means!